Placing an order - easy and convenient

How can I order from Venesto?

Choose from our selection of desired products. On the details page of the article enter the quantity you require in meters - eg 20,5 -. You can also enter the desired cuts - eg 2 x 10,25 m -. Accept your selection by clicking on "Add to cart" in your current shopping cart.

Once all desired items with quantities and net prices are displayed, click "Send Request". Your request will then be processed by us. You will receive an e-mail as confirmation to continue the order process.

Under "My Account" the status of your request can be checked by clicking on "Request Info". Each request has a unique number. The proforma invoice can also be downloaded (PDF) by clicking on "Download file". Click on "pay" to process your request.

First, check your billing and shipping address and change them if necessary. By clicking the button "Continue" you will go to the next step. Enter your desired payment method. We offer the following online payment methods:

  1. Kreditkarte (VISA und MasterCard)
  2. PayPal (Express)
  3. Online Überweisung:
    • SOFORT Transfer (only available in the EU)
    • Giropay (only available in Germany)

Shipping is generally via FedEx, the shipping costs are reported in the proforma invoice.

Finally appears a summary of your order: Verify that all information is correct, please also check the billing and shipping address and your contact information. By clicking the button "Place order" you complete the payment process and send your payment to us.